- The manuscript must be original that has not been previously published or in the process of publication in other conference proceedings, journals, or other forms of peer-reviewed publication.
- The manuscript word count must be between 4000 and 8000 words.
- The manuscript must be written in English. Non-English terms should be formatted in italic. Acronyms and abbreviations must be spelled out completely on initial appearance in text.
- The author must submit a signed statement of originality that states the manuscript is original and plagiarism free. Maximum percentage of similarity is 12%.
- Any images or photos used in the manuscript must be free of copyright and ethical concerns.
- The manuscript must be submitted in MS Word format, Times New Roman font, 10 pt font size, along with any additional supporting documents specified as written on email.
- Submit your manuscript to: www.iconseir.unimed.ac.id before the submission deadline.
You can submit your abstract by clicking the button below.
You can submit your full paper by clicking the button below.